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  • Year 2

    Year 2                                       

    Welcome to our class page. We would like to extend a warm welcome to you and your child and are looking forward to a successful and enjoyable year. This year your teachers will be Mrs Parker on Monday and Tuesday and Mrs Addy for the remainder of the week. Your child will also be supported in class by Miss Walls. Below you will find key information for Year 2, an overview of the curriculum, end of year expectations and links to websites which you may find useful. Photographs of our work and special events will be shared through the Year 2 Class Dojo school page. 

    If you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact us. We are available on the playground at the end of the day or call the school office if you wish to make an appointment. 

    At St Mary and St Joseph's we have our pupils at the heart of every decision we make and as such our curriculum has been designed to meet the needs of all our children.  


    Year 2 News