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Pupil Premium

We are committed to providing the highest quality outcomes for all our children and we ensure that our children are at the heart of everything we do. This applies equally to the use of Pupil Premium Funding.

The Pupil Premium is a government initiative designed to give additional money to support schools in raising the attainment of children who receive free school meals (FSM), children in local authority care and service children.

Eligibility for the Pupil Premium should never be confused with low ability, and the school ring fences the additional government funding in order to deliver  targeted support to children in receipt of Pupil Premium (PP) so that they can achieve the highest levels.

As a school we are held accountable for how we spend the money received through Pupil Premium and we monitor carefully the impact that it has.  Use the link below to find out how we as a school have used our funding and the impact it has had upon our pupils.